12. Computer Science in Schools: Building in equity and diversity (Dr Laura Larke)

Computer Science in Schools: Building in equity and diversity
The Art & Science of Learning

Computer science skills are in high demand and teaching children from a young age has become a priority for many countries. As computer science is becoming a part of the core curriculum, and equipping more children with computer science skills a priority, there are several challenges that emerge with respect to equity and participation.

Dr. Laura Larke is a postdoctoral associate and teaching fellow at the MIT Teaching Systems Lab, affiliate of Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, and associate editor at Policy & Internet. Laura is a qualitative researcher and social theorist interested in equity and power in K-12 computer science education. She was previously a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute and completed her PhD and MSc in the University of Oxford’s Learning & New Technologies Research Group. Currently Laura is working on two National Science Foundation-funded projects at MIT, both focused on broadening participation and success in K-12 computer science education and she is also co-teaching the Learning, Media, and Technology Seminar at MIT.

Dr Laura Larke: https://tsl.mit.edu/team/laura-larke/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrLarke


Resources Discussed:

Book: Ain’t No Makin’ It by Jay MacLeod



MIT Teaching Systems Lab: https://tsl.mit.edu/

MIT App Inventor: https://appinventor.mit.edu/

Sctratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/


13. Educational Media for Children: Insights for parents, educators, and creators (Joe Blatt)


11. Technology in Global Healthcare Training for International Development (Prof Niall Winters)