6. Workplace Learning Anywhere-Anytime: The implications and considerations (Imogen Casebourne)

Workplace Learning Anywhere-Anytime: The implications and considerations
The Art & Science of Learning

Technology, particularly mobile technology, has enabled many of us to learn and work from anywhere and at anytime. Although this may at first seem very liberating, it raises some important considerations. For learning, content on mobile technologies requires a different design and approach. While both working and learning from anywhere, anytime, raises the importance of dedicated time and space.

To discuss these issues, I am very happy to be joined by Imogen Casebourne, who brings deep knowledge in both the research and practice of workplace learning technologies. Following an initial degree in philosophy and a Masters in artificial intelligence, Imogen has worked as a writer and designer of online learning for nearly 25 years during which time she has been involved in the design of multiple courses, curriculums and authoring tools. She has designed solutions for tablets and smartphones and led the team that won gold for ‘Best Use of Mobile Learning’ at the E-Learning Awards in 2012, going on to herself win the instructional designer of the year award in 2017. Imogen is currently studying part-time for a Doctorate in Education at the University of Oxford, focusing on mobile technology in work-related learning.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imogen-c-6170111/

Article: http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/mobility-working-learning-and-place-in-a-time-of-pandemic/

Twitter: @icasebourne


7. How to Deliver Engaging Interactive Webinars (Donald Taylor)


5. Cognitive Gadgets: How culture influences thinking (Prof Cecilia Heyes)