20. The Importance of Community College Education (Don Bureaux)

The Importance of Community College Education
The Art & Science of Learning

Community college is often not the path suggested to students who are seen as being successful in school. But why is this the case? Can that be a lost opportunity? In education it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all, there are different strategies and approaches needed for different students. Not understanding this causes a lot of challenges and also lost talent and opportunity. To discuss the reasons for a community college education and the important role it plays in lifelong learning and training, I am joined by a leader in post-secondary education.


Don Bureaux is the President of Nova Scotia Community College, in Halifax, Canada. Don worked with adult learners within colleges and universities, as well as with national and international professional designation-granting bodies for more than two decades. His work over the years has allowed him to collaborate with educational institutions in North America, Europe and Asia to promote the concept of entrepreneurial cultures as a foundation for learning-centered environments and student success. Don works to develop success-based models for both students and staff within post-secondary institutions.

Don Bureaux, President of Nova Scotia Community College:


Twitter: https://twitter.com/nsccprez

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19. Reimagining Workplace Learning (Dr David Guralnick)