34. Learning Innovation in the Canadian Government (Neil Bouwer)

Learning Innovation in the Canadian Government
The Art & Science of Learning

Innovation is an essential part of our increasingly complex world. This can not be more important that in governments that serve the public good. In order to innovate, there needs to be an effective and innovative learning resources that enables innovation. In this episode I speak to the person leading innovations in learning in the Canadian Government.


Neil Bouwer is Vice President of the Innovation and Policy Services Branch at Canada School of Public Service (CSPS). The mission of Canada School of Public Service is to provide a broad range of learning opportunities and establish a culture of learning within the public service. Neil’s career as a leader in government spans many sectors, including his role as Assistant Secretary at Treasury Board Canada, Assistant Deputy Minister at Natural Resources, and Senior Vice President at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jdneilbouwer


Canada School of Public Service: https://www.csps-efpc.gc.ca/index-eng.aspx


35. A Look Inside UK’s Historic Independent Schools (Tori Cadogan)


33. How to Have Constructive Conversations (Catherine Clark)