37. Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (Dr Melanie Adrian)

Innovative Teaching in Higher Education
The Art & Science of Learning

Teaching is a complex skill that requires deep knowledge and practice. This is particularly true when the classroom suddenly transitions online and new pedagogical skills need to be learned and adapted quickly. Continuously learning and innovating in teaching is essential for helping students learn. To discuss how to innovate in teaching I am joined by a university professor who’s teaching has won her many prestigious teaching awards.


Dr Melanie Adrian is Associate Professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She has been appointed to the Order of Ontario, the province’s highest honour, for establishing Carleton University as a global leader in protecting vulnerable scholars and founding an organization to help cancer patients navigate their treatment options. In addition to her academic work, Melanie is also a pioneer and innovator in her pedagogical approach. In 2019 she was appointed one of Carleton University’s inaugural Chair in Teaching Innovation. This prestigious position is awarded to educators who have demonstrated teaching excellence and innovation across their academic careers. It provides the professor with funding to develop a scholarly project to advance teaching excellence, with a particular emphasis on strategies to foster student success. Throughout her career, Melanie was recognized as an exceptional teacher. At Harvard University she was awarded five distinctions in teaching, and at Carleton University she received several teaching awards from the Faculty of Public Affairs and several at the University level.

Dr Melanie Adrian: https://carleton.ca/law/people/melanie-adrian/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanieadrian


Be the Choice: https://bethechoice.org


Scholars at Risk Network: https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/



All Together Now: Teaching Trailblazer Melanie Adrian Wants to Make Remote Learning a Social Experience


Carleton’s Melanie Adrian Appointed to Order of Ontario




38. Major Program Management Training in Government (Nick Borwell)


36. Developing a Positive Mindset (Andrew Mangan)