59. University on a Ship with Semester at Sea (Scott Marshall)

University on a Ship with Semester at Sea
The Art & Science of Learning

Developing a global mindset is an important part of educating young people in our interconnected world. An essential part of this process is to travel and learn in different contexts. This is exactly what Semester at Sea does. University students spend a semester taking their courses on a ship while traveling to ten different countries on three continents. Their classes take on a new life as the courses are embedded in the context of the countries that they visit. My guest in this episode discusses how this program works and the impact it has on the students and their teachers. 


Scott Marshall is the President and CEO of the Institute for Shipboard Education (ISE), a non-profit organization that administers the Semester at Sea study abroad program. With a background in business and education, Scott has experience in several aspects of this program and it’s aim to develop global engagement. He also taught students on the ship prior to becoming CEO and is a passionate traveler, having visited more than 80 countries.


60. Rapid Learning in a Changing World (Dr Shan Soe-Lin)


58. Enabling & Celebrating Vocational Excellence (Dr Susan James Relly)