47. Special Episode - Day 4 of The Learning Ideas Conference
In this collaboration with The Learning Ideas Conference 2021, each episode will feature conversations with a selection of conferences speakers from around the world. In these conversations, each guest shares highlights from their conference talk, highlighting their fascinating work in the field of learning, sharing insights and tips, as well as what they are excited about in the future of learning.
The Learning Ideas Conference: https://www.learningideasconf.org/
(0:04:10 hours)
* A Look Ahead: The Now and the Next of Learning and Technology within Organizations
David Kelly, EVP & Executive Director, The Learning Guild, New York, NY, USA
The Learning Guild https://www.learningguild.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/LnDDave
(0:19:15 hours)
* Mindfulness Intervention Courses in STEM Education: A Qualitative Assessment
Eunmi Kim, Ph.D., Co-founder of the Center for Contemplative Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
Prof. Eunmi (Jina) Kim https://www.chacmc.org/eunmi-kim
(0:36:50 hours)
* It's Time to Shift Our Perspectives: From Teaching How to Enabling Doing
Hal Christensen, President of QuickCompetence, Forest Hills, New York, USA