104. A Leader’s Guidebook to Personal Development (Prof. Maja Djikic, University of Toronto)

A Leader's Guidebook to Personal Development
The Art & Science of Learning

As we strive to improve ourselves, to reach our true potential, it is easy to feel stuck. Learning and developing is a natural process for children. However, as adults, we can experience debilitating friction as we try to learn and develop in different areas of our lives. Even after having developed in new ways, we can go back to previous old patterns. How do we change deeply without falling back into old ways of being? This is the topic of the fascinating new book - The Possible Self: A Leader's Guide to Personal Development. In this episode, I speak with the author, Professor Maja Djikic, about the book and what we should understand about ourselves in order to reach our full potential.  

Prof. Maja Djikic is a personality psychologist specializing in adult development. She is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Executive Director of the Self-Development Laboratory, and Academic Director of the Rotman Executive Coaching Certificate at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. She has published more than 35 articles and book chapters in the area of personality development.  Her research has been featured in over 50 media outlets (including The New York Times, Salon, Slate, and The Scientific American Mind) in 15 countries.  Her first book, The Possible Self: A Leader's Guide to Personal Development is published in March 2024 by Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.


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