105. Importance of Dialogue with AI and Learning Technologies  (Prof. Rupert Wegerif, Cambridge University)

Importance of Dialogue with AI and Learning Technologies
The Art & Science of Learning

As technology evolves and we move into the age of AI, it is increasingly more important that we don’t just use technology, but we have a dialogue with the technology we use. Technology is a tool for collective thinking, but how do we use it well? My guest in this episode is a leading expert working on a dialogic theory of education appropriate for the Internet Age. Most recently he has published the book titled: The Theory of Educational Technology – Towards a Dialogic Foundation for Design.

Prof. Rupert Wegerif is a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge and the founder and academic director of the Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI) at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. He is the author of several influential books and articles in the area of educational theory, educational psychology and education with technology. His research focuses on the theory and practice of education with technology in the digital age, especially technology supported education for dialogue. He offers a new approach to education in the Internet Age: education as expanding dialogic space.


Prof. Rupert Wegerif:



Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI):  https://www.deficambridge.org


106. Behavioural Intelligence in Workplace Learning Technology (Patrick Veenhoff)


104. A Leader’s Guidebook to Personal Development (Prof. Maja Djikic, University of Toronto)