106. Behavioural Intelligence in Workplace Learning Technology (Patrick Veenhoff)

Behavioural Intelligence in Workplace Learning Technology
The Art & Science of Learning

What attributes impact an individual’s performance in the workplace? My guest in this episode addresses this with a technology he developed that uses an objective way to understand what knowledge, skills, motivation, perception, collaboration, information flow, and leadership attributes each individual has. Combining this unique data set with customer data and HR data, to understand what really contributes to profit and revenue from a workforce perspective.

Patrick Veenhoff is the Founder and CEO of Outlier Lab in Switzerland. He has been exploring the question, of what behaviours drive performance, for 25 years. He has developed software that helps people optimize their learning in the workplace. His approaches delivered a 25% increase in lead generation, a 10%-win ratio improvement through better collaboration, and a 30% sales enablement cost reduction. Patrick founded Outlier Lab to help people become the optimal version of themselves. He performs empirical research on behavioural indicators and holds a master's degree in business administration. His work has received multiple industry awards, most recently for "Best Use of Learning Analytics to Impact Business Performance". Patrick is a sought-after speaker and chair, engaging with audiences in over 50 events worldwide.


Patrick Veenhoff: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickveenhoff/

Outlier Lab: https://outlierlab.io

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/theoutlierlab/

Email: patrick.veenhoff@outlierlab.io


107. What is a Futurist and Why Do We Need One? (Dr Fawaz Abu Sitta) 


105. Importance of Dialogue with AI and Learning Technologies  (Prof. Rupert Wegerif, Cambridge University)