64. Fostering Innovation & Civic Engagement – Rideau Hall Foundation (Teresa Marques)

Fostering Innovation & Civic Engagement – Rideau Hall Foundation
The Art & Science of Learning

Innovation and civic engagement are important elements for a thriving community and country. Fostering an environment where people can learn to be innovative, and supported in contributing to their community, requires a multitude of different programs and organizations. The organization in Canada that works to connect these efforts, and develops programs that impact and unite people across Canada, is the Rideau Hall Foundation. The Rideau Hall Foundation is a nation-building charity that was established to amplify the impact of the office of the Governor General. This is a platform to connect people, causes and organizations which – while they will exist for differing purposes – share a common belief in and commitment to the potential of Canada. I am joined by Teresa Marques, the President and CEO of the Rideau Hall Foundation, to discuss how they foster innovation and civic engagement across Canada. 

Rideau Hall Foundation: https://rhf-frh.ca/

Innovation Learning Resources – Classroom ready resources for teachers: https://canadianinnovationspace.ca/resources/

Innovation Index: https://rhf-frh.ca/innovation-index/

30 Years of Giving in Canada: https://rhf-frh.ca/our-initiatives/giving/thirty-years-of-giving-in-canada/


65. Teaching Yoga to Seniors and Wellbeing (Georgia Morissette)


63. Reinventing Hybrid Events – Introduction to Series (Special Episode with The Learning Ideas Conference)