71. What is the “I” in AI? (Flynn Coleman)

What is the "I" in AI?
The Art & Science of Learning

Intelligence is an area that we don’t truly understand. Only recently have we started to understand and acknowledge the different strengths of neurodiversity. We are still learning about the many different forms of intelligence in other living organisms. Is it optimal to base AI on a narrow definition of human intelligence, or is there a lot more for us to learn? In her book, A Human Algorithm, Flynn Coleman highlights the many forms of intelligence that exists in other living organisms and the need for us to better understand what exactly we mean by intelligence. 

Flynn Coleman is an author, international human rights attorney, a fellow at Harvard and Yale, public speaker and social innovator. She has worked with the United Nations, the United States federal government, and international corporations and human rights organizations around the world. Flynn has written extensively on issues of global citizenship, the future of work and purpose, political reconciliation, war crimes, genocide, human and civil rights, humanitarian issues, innovation and design for social impact, and improving access to justice and education. 

Flynn Colemanhttps://flynncoleman.community

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlynnColeman


72. ADHD in Adults (Heidi Bernhardt)


70. Top Trends in Workplace L&D in 2022 (Donald Taylor)