72. ADHD in Adults (Heidi Bernhardt)

ADHD in Adults
The Art & Science of Learning

Heidi Bernhardt is the founder of the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC), a charity dedicated to awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD. There are many misconceptions on what ADHD is and particularly on how it impacts adults in the workplace. Over the past 30 years, Heidi has made it her mission to raise awareness and understanding on all aspects of ADHD and how it impacts people in all stages of life. 


Heidi Bernhardt, is a psychiatric nurse by training, mother of three grown sons with ADHD who inspired her to build the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC), a Canadian charity dedicated to awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD. Heidi was the Executive Director of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA), a national not-for-profit organization of the leading clinicians and researchers in ADHD in Canada, from 2006 to 2012. During these years she built CADDAC in her volunteer life, nationally incorporating CADDAC as a not-for-profit in 2006 and becoming the Executive Director and President from 2012 to 2019. Heidi currently focuses on ADHD education material and systemic advocacy while holding the role of Director of Education and Advocacy for CADDAC. She also continues to teach and present on ADHD for CADDAC. 

Heidi Bernhardt: https://caddac.ca/about/

Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC): https://caddac.ca



Twitter: https://twitter.com/CentreforADHD


73. How Can We Change Our Minds? (Anne Mahon)


71. What is the “I” in AI? (Flynn Coleman)