73. How Can We Change Our Minds? (Anne Mahon)

How Can We Change Our Minds?
The Art & Science of Learning

Learning is about being open to the possibility of changing our minds. Without the ability to constantly learn and change our minds, it is impossible to live in harmony with other people and the world around us. I’m joined by someone who has made it her mission to connect with people from all walks of life and share the stories that make us human. 

Anne Mahon is an author and the 14th chancellor of the University of Manitoba in Canada. With a deep interest in people, their stories and making meaningful connections, Anne is a committed life-long volunteer and an oral history author. She has written two books which tell the stories of local marginalized communities: The Lucky Ones: African Refugees Stories of Extraordinary Courage (2013) and Redemption: Stories of Hope, Resilience and Life After Gangs (2017). Anne’s third book is going to be published in the fall 2022 and it is tentatively titled Overcome: Stories of Strong Women Who Grew Up in the Child Welfare System. Having volunteered extensively for over 35 years, Anne also co-founded and co-facilitates the Book Mates Book Club at the Winnipeg Women’s Correctional Center.

Anne Mahon: http://www.annemahon.ca


74. Special Episode: Reinventing Hybrid Learning Events – Personalizing Tech Platforms


72. ADHD in Adults (Heidi Bernhardt)