75. Dyslexia Screening Bill: Providing support at school & work (The Rt Hon Matt Hancock)

Dyslexia Screening Bill: Providing support at school & work
The Art & Science of Learning

This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week. To mark the occasion, I am joined by the United Kingdom’s former Health Secretary, who is working to improve the outcomes for all children with dyslexia and neurodivergence. 


The Rt Hon Matt Hancock is the Member of Parliament for West Suffolk in the UK and served as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 2018 to 2021. Matt is proud to be dyslexic, but this has not always been the case. Going through school without knowing he had dyslexia, Matt spent all his school years focusing on math and science subjects, trying to avoid anything that needed more than a few sentences. Once he got to Oxford University, his tutor told him “the problem is, Matt, you can talk, but you can’t write.” He was one of the lucky ones as he was sent to be diagnosed and received support. Now, Matt has introduced the Dyslexia Screening Bill in the UK Parliament, which calls for all children to be screened for the condition before the end of primary school and provide training on neurodiversity to all teachers.

Matt Hancock: https://www.gov.uk/government/people/matthew-hancock

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattHancock


Neurodiversity in Business: https://neurodiversityinbusiness.org 


76. The Art of Constructive Feedback (Laura Peck)


74. Special Episode: Reinventing Hybrid Learning Events – Personalizing Tech Platforms