76. The Art of Constructive Feedback (Laura Peck)

The Art of Constructive Feedback
The Art & Science of Learning

Constructive feedback is essential to learning, both in the workplace and beyond. But giving feedback does not always have the intended outcomes. My guest in this episode has trained and provided feedback to senior leaders across industries around the world. 


Laura Peck is Co-founder and Senior Partner of Transform Leaders in Ottawa Canada. For over 30 years, Laura has trained and coached CEOs, Deputy Ministers, Ministers, and C-Suite Executives in the public, private, and non-profit sectors around the world. Laura is a frequent media and issues analyst on a variety of television and radio programs and her articles appear in several national newspapers. She is a Fellow at Carleton University’s Riddell Masters Program in Political Management, where she frequently lectures on Strategic Communications and Political Management and the Media. She is also Adjunct Professor in the MBA program at the Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University where she teaches Strategic Communications. In 2014, Laura was awarded the Communications Excellence Award by Women in Communications and Technology (WCT). 

Laura Peckhttps://www.transformleaders.ca/about-us/laura-peck/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LauraPeck6

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-peck-02408884/

Transform Leadershttps://www.transformleaders.ca

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Trans4mLeaders


77. Learning for Policy Makers & Leaders (Francois Gagnon)


75. Dyslexia Screening Bill: Providing support at school & work (The Rt Hon Matt Hancock)