77. Learning for Policy Makers & Leaders (Francois Gagnon)

Learning for Policy Makers & Leaders
The Art & Science of Learning

Policy makers around the world are faced with complex and quickly changing issues that they need to understand in order to design public policy. Learning effectively and continuously is imperative to them managing the shifting landscape. To discuss new and impactful ways of learning, I’m joined by an expert in the field of learning for policy makers and government leaders.   

Francois Gagnon is Vice-President of Learning at the Institute on Governance (IOG), an organization in Ottawa that is dedicated to improving public governance in Canada and around the world. Francois has worked in the Public Service of Canada for 25 years, including 13 years as an executive, leading and designing a variety of learning experiences. Prior to joining IOG, Francois founded Lead-Action, a firm specialized in Leadership Development. At the IOG Francois leads a diverse offering of unique learning experiences for government leaders and policy makers.


Francois Gagnon: https://iog.ca/team/francois-gagnon/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francois-gagnon-8b5a2939/  



78. The Creative Process (Prof Jinny Yu)


76. The Art of Constructive Feedback (Laura Peck)