31. Designing Online and Blended Learning (Barbara Treacy)

Designing Online and Blended Learning
The Art & Science of Learning

Designing effective and enjoyable online and blended learning experiences requires some particular strategies. In this episode I am speaking to a leader in online and blended learning who works with school districts, state departments of education, colleges and universities and other educational organizations in the United States, to enable them to build successful online and blended programs for educators and students.

Barbara Treacy is Adjunct Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) as well as for the HGSE Professional Education Programs. Throughout her career Barbara has led projects in online and blended learning across a wide spectrum of organizations and industries including currently serving as a co-chair of Digital Promise’s Education Leadership Institute, working with district leaders from across the country in an online Institute to their support planning and implementation of online, blended and hybrid learning during the COVID crisis and beyond. Barbara also served as a consultant to the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation to develop blended curriculum and capacity-building facilitator training for their national Leadership in Blended Learning Program, and is the former chair of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Digital Learning Advisory Council and recently served as their consultant on virtual school accountability. Barbara is also the former director of EdTech Leaders Online, Education Development Center's award-winning capacity-building online learning program for educators which she led for 15 years, providing online courses, online instructor and course developer training, and implementation consulting for online programs for educators and students in more than 30 states. She also directed EDCs collaboration with e-Learning for Educators, a 10-state consortium funded by the U.S. Department of Education to establish statewide online professional development programs in each of the 10 states. She also served as co-chair of the iNACOL Online Course Standards committee and led the Technical subcommittee for iNACOL's Blended Teaching Competencies.

Barbara Treacy: https://www.gse.harvard.edu/faculty/barbara-treacy

Twitter: https://twitter.com/barbaratreacy

Resources Discussed in Episode:

Harvard Graduate School of Education – Professional Education


Book: Teaching in a Digital Age by Dr Tony Bates



32. Learning in the Canadian Government (Taki Sarantakis)


30. Digital Transformation in the Canadian Government (Chris Allison)